Filter LookUp Field
PHPMaker Tutorial Series
Hi All, welcome to PHPMaker Tutorial Series.
In PHPMaker we can filter the data in Lookup Fileds. In this tutorial, i use this case :
We have user input form. This form use to add member login to the website. We will use master table “master_pegawai” as reference for lookup table. Master table contains all category user (staff, student, lecture), while this website only for staff and lecture, so the student must be excluded. Role for student is 99.
the master table looks like
Before we use filter, the look up table looks like this.
All the category shown while choosing user.
we will filter this master table in the lookUp Field as shown below
Chose filter filed and write the exclude text. We will exclude user with role 99 so write
This filter Editor like where statement in sql. We can write it without “where” clause.
Generate it and the result should looks like this
The filter works!