Data Analyst DQLAB Training
Currently i am working on big data division and facing both challenges and opportunities. Since we have a lot of data stored in our system, probably there are really important information that did’nt discovered yet. So by this challenge, i want to explore more about data, how to visualized it well and connect the data to become an informative data called information.
In order to connect the data, there are several “weapon” i need to understand and play it well. Learn from the basic weapon, there are programming languange to process and manipulate data. R and Python are well known programming languages having a lot of features supporting data analysis system.
Rather than R, i more interested in Python due to its efficiency and wide community support. So i choose to learn python first.
Python in data analysis is like a weapon in a war. When we could learn how to use it well, We have higher chance to win the war.
So, to fullfill my curiousity, I currently enrolled on DQLabs Training and studying Python for data analysis purpose. This is will be long and fun training I guess. In this training I will learn how to use several weapon not only python as programming languange but also the visualization tools untill the interesting one: Machine Learning.
I Hope i can capture the knowledge well and write into this journal. Yay!